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Urbanseed + Market

Melipona Eye Drops (Bundle of 4)

Regular price $132.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $132.00 USD
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Each bottle contains 15 ml of our pure Melipona honey eye drops. These drops are 100% pure & extracted using a stainless steel syringe and then transferred directly from hive to bottle.

The Mayans were known to utilize Melipona honey as a potent medicine and healing mechanism for the eyes. Extensive research has shown that pure Melipona (used as eye drops) is also great for treating cataracts, reducing inflammation, redness, itchiness, and dryness in addition to improving overall eyesight.

We recommend that you use 2 drops per eye for 5-7 days or until desired/symptoms subside. 

Shipment Disclaimer: We will encourage all our customers if might have an issue with a product (leaks, broken bottle, or an opened product) please send us an email at immediately with a brief explanation about the problem and photos of the package and the product damaged. Thank you

*Disclaimer: A stinging sensation upon application is completely normal and only means the natural Mayan medicine is at work in your system!

*Shipping: You will automatically receive a 35% discount on the original shipping cost. The discount is calculated upon the total weight of the product.

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